
I'm sorry.

I'm sorry girls, for letting you all down.
I still didn't did it.
Here's a few things I wanted you guys to know.
Do read through it if you guys have time.

To Hayden, you are really like a big sister to me.
You're really caring, telling me that I could talk to you anytime about anything.
And you'll always be there to listen. Thank you so much.

To Kak Farisya, well to me you're the model of cheerleader. 
The way a cheerleader should be, you're awesome and thanks for being in the team.
I know this is weird but I kinda miss the way you scream at me and ask why do I want to be cheerleader
And ask if it's worth it to quit, when I was crying and screaming I'm done.
It was the day before cheer comp and you brought me back to the mat.

Sorry Hayden and Farisya, I believe you both are gonna lead the team to victory

Most importantly, Sorry Badrie. 
You've been a really good coach. I was never a good cheerleader.
But you tell me, you believe I'm gonna be one.
And every single time of failure and falling you still have my back.
And you'd never yell at me, you tell me I can make things happen.
From a really timid girl, I became strong and learn to stay strong. Thank you.

To Teacher Aein, I'm sorry.
I really tried convincing my dad
But things didn't work out the way I wanted it to be.
Please give extra support to PAG this year.
Cause I believe they're going to shine. THIS YEAR.
PAG is just awesome. We all know it deep down.
To all dear flyers, Sarah, Iman, Fatin, Jenny.
You people are the heart of PAG,
with all the supports and base you guys FLY UP HIGH. 
Sorry for making you people fall for the past trainings.
Especially to Iman, I'm really really sorry. You really are great.
And Jenny, awesome tumbling skills :)

To Isha, always be careful, don't hurt yourself okay?
Not this year anymore, take care of the pair of hands :)

To Shantie and Sophie the sisters :)
You guys give such influence to PAG.
There's almost nothing that you both couldn't do.
Thanks for making me keep a positive attitude towards cheerleading.

To all bases and supports, the team would never be complete without you guys.
You guys are the key for the flyers to fly.
And to all new or old cheerleaders, don't let things stop you from doing things you like.
PAG is going to the top. :)

And lastly, Crystal. thanks for bringing me into cheerleading.
ILY babe. Making the pirates to the top is always your dream
And dreams do come true. You're awesome Crystal. We all know. :)

I think that's all I wanted you people to know. And I'm really sorry
But, I couldn't be one of the pirates anymore.
I've got some issues to deal with and I couldn't make it work :'(
I'll support PAG from the audience seat.
And I'll be a loyal supporter to PIRATES ALL GIRLS.



karman.hearts said...

aww Crystal :( *bear hugs*
I cried while typing this :'(
All the best bubu hun :(