
Friends :)

First and foremost,
I took the advice from one of the blogwalker that said my layout screwed up in Firefox
* thanks for telling me that*
So.. *drum rolls*
Welcome to the new layout :)
Do drop some comments cause this take me HOURS :(
I hope this layout would do fine :)

Okay :)
Today wasn't really a good day I guess. :(
A part of it is due friend issue. :(
Summary of what happen is that
She just took my SEAT by saying that
She needed a private talk with my friend who I am TALKING TO and make me 
That's just UNCOOL. Right?
Who knows I might be sharing something funny with my friends
Or something really sad? the point is, we're in a middle of talking.
HOW COULD YOU? :( :( :(
And I wouldn't be mad if this happen once, this happened almost EVERYDAY okay?
I know you have issues but wouldn't it be way better if you ask her to go out and talk
And please don't whisper in front of me.
Go behind my back and scream it out I don't care.
I don't eavesdrop your conversation okay?
That drives me CRAZYYY :/
UGHHH sorry guys I'm abit bad tempered today.
It wasn't a big deal to me before this until one of my friends started talking about this,
And BOOM!!! all the emotions burst out of nowhere and I got super mad.

To who this person is, 
I'm alright now. I know you have problems, and I just needed to spit it out.
Sorry if this hurts you. I hope you could deal with your problems ASAP.

And the other sad thing that happen is,
I kinda wrote a card to a friend for his/her birthday. :)
I've walked through 4 bookstores to find that card.
And put a lotta effort in that card.
This morning when I handed him/her the card,
All he did was, look at it, read it and kept it.
I was surprised. And I said 'You aren't smiling.'
His/her answer was 'How can I smile when I couldn't solve an equation?'
Those words really HURTS. I didn't know that equation was so important compare to the card. :'(
He mouthed thank you and I left. 
I kept comforting myself maybe it's not really that important for him.
It's just a normal,ordinary card.
:( :( :(
I don't even know why am I feeling bad :(

Okay conclusion is today wasn't really a good day.
BUT... A message brightens up my day :D
I've been looking for my correction tape refill for a long time but it's forever SOLD OUT
My dear, Tung, messaged me and said she found it and bought it for me :D
I was so so so happy!!! But the bad news is,
She left her water bottle in the bookstore :( She really liked it :(
So.. If anyone who works in a bookstore read this and found her water bottle, please keep it.
She's busy so she couldn't go back today.
Please keep it for her don't throw it okay? TQSM <3

So, it wasn't a bad day after all :)
And I would like to thank baby Swing, dear Tung, Crystal bubu and babe teng who brightens up my day.
Baby Swing was being there for the whole time.
Dear Tung accompany me almost everywhere LOL
Crystal bubu made a lotta jokes and I couldn't help but smile beside her.
Babe Teng, hmm.. for listening to the stupid song I sing and kissed my face *EWW*
I have great friends. Hearts you people <3
Okay that's all :) Thanks for reading :)