
Dream list

Today when I was cleaning my room I saw a beautiful letter in a box.
I was really curious and can't recall a thing so I opened it.
I was so shocked cause it's my DREAM LIST when I was 8

I was dead serious back then. Here's how it goes,
I want a tree house.
I want to wear heels too. 
*woah I'm kinda mature back then*
I want to buy a lot of story books.
I want to watch Lion King 2 
*LOL I know this is stupid*
I want a beautiful dress.
I want a doggy. A hamster and a fish.
That's all. And I got almost everything I want.
Except for the tree house :(
And I started thinking, my dreams were so simple back then,
And now everything look so complicated
When we grew older, we tend to forget
How simple can dreams be
How easy it is to put a smile on each other's face
I used to think that growing up is going to be so much fun
But I was wrong. Thing's changed .
All we can do is to fit in.

We can never go back. 
We can change things now. 
So this is a big shout out to all my friends,
thanks for having my back through thick and thin.
Thanks for being there for me.
I know I could be really childish at times.
*sorry bout the pranks I did :P*
And maybe my words hurt you so deeply and I didn't know.
So, I'm sorry :(
Things might not be the same, but at least we could make things way simple
No catfight, no backstabbing, no screaming and crying.
Just go back to the way we are.
'I don't wanna fwen you anymore :('
and the next day we'd left everything behind like nothing ever happened.
I think I'm a little but emotional LOL
doesn't suit me yeah?

Ohh and there's a good news.
They finally fix the hole on the staircase.
In our school there's this staircase that had such a big hole on it.
And as clumsy as I always do, I seems to have issues with the hole.
I will just step into that stupid hole and it sprained my ankle a few times :(
And now it's GONE 
Muahahaha GOODBYE Mr.Hole *evil laughs continues*

Okay I guess that's all.
I hope you guys like the post and if you ever hurt somebody,
Don't be afraid to say sorry.
Cause the little magic word could save your friendship :)
