

I've been doing some serious thinking lately.

Why do I always have to study last minute?
Let's put the blame on the stupid uncertain exam schedule
Why do I always have to burn the midnight oil swallowing tuition notes?
Put the blame on the crazily numerous subject that we are forced to take
Why can't I study at school?
Okay blame it on my hyper friends that could talk with me 24/7
Why can't I study at home?
Hmm.. Cause I got distracted very easily, by the computer or house chores
Why can't I spend 2hours straight just sitting on the chair studying?
Cause.. cause the chair ain't comfortable enough LOL

I almost vomited blood after reading what I type myself 
I think my teacher is going to kill me after reading this LOL

Okay let's see it the other way round.
Why I can watch TV 24/7?
Cause there's sound so it's not boring. Textbooks don't talk.
Why can I surf the web 24/7?
Obviously I'm more interested to my friends than some dead people's history.
Why can I sleep 24/7?
The bed is comfortable enough :D

Okay I should really STOP and start studying now.
FML. Exam is on Saturday. pfft.
All the best to the others form 5 students :)

I found out the conclusion of what I'm typing today.
I didn't really know what I'm crapping.
Okay that makes me feel so much better.
*self comforting LOL*
But one thing, no pain no gain, or no pain no fame (pirates)
So now I'm crawling back into my bed *WHAT?*
yeah I'm gonna study later muahahaha
I know two weeks later my blog post is gonna be 
But I'm really tired, so...
I'll wake up at 3am and study kay?
Goodnight world :) <3

Attaching a picture of the current ME.