
Hello Year 2 :D

I'm officially a 2nd year student! Yay me!
So this semester I decided to go all out :D
I'm taking 4 subjects in 7 weeks, breaking my personal record
Fingers crossed that I could score well for all 4 of them :)

There's 2 subjects that I particularly like this semester
Critical Thinking and German Language
Critical thinking just reminds me of the days back in British Council
There's debate and discussion which I love compared to report writing :D
So I guess choosing it over Basic Professional Writing was a great choice
I enjoyed the class so far!
German Language is just awesome 
I like the way they speak!
English and Chinese is more of a softer language while German is slighty rougher
So I guess it'll be fun learning a language like that
I'm liking the class so far!
Guten Tag ya'll :D

Week 1 has passed, 6 more to go!
Baby, I'm preying on you tonight
Hunt you down eat you alive
Just like animals
Like animals



One Year Down ❤

Hello peeps! 
I know it's been ohh-so-bloody-long ever since I updated but I've got good reasons
Just hear me out. Or, read me out? Not out loud but.. You know what I mean :)

1. I was having my finals
I'm taking 6 subjects this semester, it might not sound stressful but let's see, 
A long semester takes up 14 weeks, every subject would have at least 6 chapters so let's just go with 6, that's 36 chapters in 14 weeks, now let's deduct 2 weeks for holidays, mid-term weeks, practical tests and cancelled class. That leaves us 12 weeks. The first week is usually the introduction of the subject and another week is used to do assignments every subject. That leaves us with 10 weeks.
10 freaking weeks to study and master 36 chapters.
Did I mention we're suppose to score well for finals?

2. I've turned 20! :)
I know this isn't really a reason but I've been thinking a lot about it lately. Turning 20 means that I'm one step closer to being a responsible adult and I'm suppose to start acting like one. Not spending my birthday with my family just made it worse. Deep down I know studying for finals is the right thing to do but the kid in me just wants to go home and eat a cake with my family. To be a responsible person or be happy? I chose to be responsible, not gonna lie, I wasn't happy.
Which is why I have no mood to blog :(

Long story short, I haven't had the time or the mood to blog :(
But it's all over now yay!
Finished finals, back at home, all is well 

Back to the main topic, ONE YEAR DOWN!
2 more years until I can graduate 
The past year have been nothing but tough, leaving home, a whole new syllabus, people from all walks of life, shitty internet connection and cycling under a hot sun.
I'm proud to say that I survived all of that for a year
Little things that I've learned from the past year were

1. University lecturers are nothing like high school teachers
You're basically on your own cause gone were the good old days where teachers would scribble on the white boards and explain every single thing and come to your desk to make sure you do things right. Instead we now have lecturers that only clicks the next button on the computer on the powerpoint slides and if you don't understand, you gotta send an e-mail to book a timeslot to ask questions.

2. You will feel dumb
You know that feeling when you're sure you could ace that test and when the results are release you really did? 
Remember when you were mad at yourself because you're so close to getting an A+ or A? Wave those days goodbye because not only that the time to study the subjects are much shorter, whatever you learn is also way harder than your high school syllabus. 
You just need to accept that scoring a B ain't that bad :)

3. Your faith in humanity will be destroyed
As soon as your university life starts, you will have to complete group assignments. The first meeting with your group mates will always go well, names, ideas, jokes were exchanged, thing seems to be going well, and BAM, 3 days before the due date you'll be sitting in front of your computer trying to solo through the whole assignment.
This is all based on luck :)

4. Sleep is for the weak!
You've studied everything for the coming mid-term test and you have 5 hours left to sleep. Do you really wanna risk waking up not remembering stuff and ruining 20% of your final grade?
Of course you don't :D 
Be prepared to join the panda club

5. Not like the movies
I'm sure most of you have watched movies about university life where there is booze and parties. I'm sorry to crush your dreams but that is not how it's gonna be. Unless you don't care about your grades or you're crazy smart or you're just here for fun, then yes, enjoy it! 
But hey, at least you get to know some real friends that would last a lifetime :)

Remember, this post is just what I feel and it doesn't represent every university student
Everyone could have a different opinion :)
At last I would love to thank a special someone that went through all of this with me
It was hard for the both of us but at least we have each other
I don't know if I could survive this without her
I thank you with all my heart Michelle Ong 
Let's graduate and get out of this place ASAP.
That's all for this post I hope you guys can relate and like it!




Hey lovelies!
It's been really really really long since my last update :O
I've always wanted to update the Taiwan trip blog post before anything!
It was really fun and I love it there can't wait to share the joy with you guys!
But I left the pictures in the computer back home
And I'm already at the hostel so that's gonna be on hold for a bit!

Anyway it's been 6 weeks since the semester started
*can't believe it's been 6 weeks already*
*don't know why but I find this so so funny*
There's only 14 weeks a semester
And I'm taking 6 subjects this semester
Meaning I've got to learn 6 new subjects in 14 weeks and take a test for it?!!
Since when did our education system became like this?
Back in high school there's 9 subjects but we've got 2 years to prepare for it!
Just because I'm 3 years older doesn't mean I can automatically cope with all that!
Am I the only university student feeling it? :O

If there's a chance to go back in time I might go back to the high school me and tell me
*that's quite confusing*
If you think this is bad, the worst is yet to come
I would tell myself to have more fun
Because there's no time for that in the future
Every single week will be packed with homework and tutorials and practicals
For those students who've been hardworking all along
This would've been a piece of cake
As for me...
Yep... I'm kinda like that

Now that it's Week 6 the assignments come crashing in 
There's 6 midterms that I have to prepare for 
That's not all, some lecturers love giving quiz in their class
Some lecturer even prepared Test 1 and Test 2
This was my first reaction after looking at my academic calendar

But we gotta do what we gotta do right?
Even though sometimes you gotta choose between strangling your own neck...
Or your lecturer's neck
You just gotta hang in there.
That was a horrible horrible pun
Don't judge me. I can be a little weird at times :O

This phase happens every semester
Just gotta grab your... cookie and get it over with :D
Just keep smiling no matter what life throws at you
At least there will always be Twitter and 9gag :D

Or just think about stuff that you're looking forward to 
In my case, going to China and Australia yay!
Seriously can't wait for this to be over so I could pack my bags and go!

Alright guys that's all for today
I wish this post somehow help you guys get out of the sad and lonely and confused state
Love you guys!



Group ASS-ignment D:


Speaking from a person who just submitted her group project 
I can relate.
But seriously though, why do we still need to do group projects in university?
I know it have something to do with teamwork skills and all
But sometimes/most of the time things doesn't turn out so well

Some people would make so many empty promises at first 
And when the project begins 
They would either be busy with homework or other assignments 
Which made you a Lone Ranger on the assignment 
Or maybe you're one of the other 3 D:
Not cool dude, not cool

Well I ain't complaining about my team
My team was really awesome
We got a lot of help from family and friends 
After 2 nights of burning the midnight oil
And quite a number of dimsum and fruit juice
We managed to finish it off so I could say that 
Our project went pretty well 
Girls power! Plus a certain watermelon dude  
I might not say this enough but thank you so much 
You're quite amazing I'll give you that :D

What I'm gonna type next might contain quite a lot of cuss word
If you're not comfortable with it I suggest you stop here :)

I have this mutual friend, not gonna type out his name to protect his privacy
Assuming he's Z
Z has a friend and his friend said he could always team up with him if Z doesn't have a partner for the assignment 
A few days after that, Z went to the his friend cause he couldn't find any group member
His friend, B, said these exact words
"Dude, I asked you to get a team didn't I, now you're alone and I can't do anything about it, I told you to get a team quickly and see what happened? I'm not gonna offer you any spot in my team cause we're halfway done and you're weak in this subject you're just gonna leech off us"
So Z was left all alone.

What makes me mad is that,
There's still 1 spot left in B's group and he actually offered that place to another person who already have a group, saying that he guarantee they'll have high marks on that project
He's asking the other dude to ditch his team for him
That muthafucker
Seriously he's such an asshole
Shame on you fucker.
What goes around comes around karma is gonna bite you in the arse

Worst part is, there's only 2 days until the project dateline
 But Z finally found a team last minute 
I'm not saying that Z is a poor victim in this
But B is live example of the people you shouldn't team up with
Or in this case,
Befriend with.
Ugh sometimes when I see him in the same lecture room I just wanna punch him in the stomach for being such a dick

Okay that's all the cuss word I'll use
To calm my readers and myself down
Here's a cute picture ehehehe :D
Easter mode on!

That's all for this post and I'm thinking of a good title for this post
Hmm... I have no idea what to put tho
I'll figure something out right after I grab a snack lol!



One step at a time :)

Heyyylouuu peeps!
I know I've been M-I-A for a while D:
Well I thought I'll be free after the mid terms for at least 3 weeks
Because my faculty decided to give us a test 2 on most subjects
Which means we kinda have a Mid-term 2.0
If you think it's bad now, wait for it...
We are having our finals from April 26th 
Our Mid-term 2.0 ends around the 7th but one of the teacher just released their assignment topic/ title
Which is due on the 21st
Awesome I know.
So there's approximately 5 days to prepare for the finals.
Sometimes I think the school is testing our limit
Again and again.
Hmm we just gotta live up to the good name of the university I guess
Don't wanna graduate with a bunch of freshman :(

So that's basically what's going on with my life
But the great thing about the students across all nations is that
We all love procrastinating
I think I'm the list maker and the sidetracker :P
Which explains why I'm here hee :D

Okayyy now back to the main topic
One step at a time

I believe this have occurred to almost everyone 
A random person added you on Facebook
You would either approve the friend request or hit the not now button
You'd definitely hit the not now button when you have no idea who is it 
*If you approve it, man you need to read some articles about the danger of social network*

But the problem arises, you've seen this person
But he/she has never talked to you
Not even once, maybe some exchange glances
But you don't even know his/her name because you guys didn't even do a proper introduction
I'm sorry but when this occurs to me
I will choose to hit the not now button
Call me an old school person
But I very much prefer it when a person approaches me and introduce themselves
I think friendship would be much stronger this way :)

Anyway this is just what I think :)
If this offended you in any way,
Sorry :D

Gotta go now.
Found this on the internet 
God I love Tom Hiddleston <3



MH370 :(

It's been 6 days since the MH370 plane gone missing
Assumptions were made, search parties were called
Tears were shed and prayers were unanswered 
I believe most of us have our timeline flooded with the latest update of this issue
With 239 lives at stake, 
The whole world is concerned about this

It is the moment like this when disaster strikes,
When all hope starts to fade away 
A helping hand could make a lot of difference
Shortly after the news of the missing plane is released,
Malaysia received a lot of help from multiple countries
Including Australia, Brunei, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand, United States and Vietnam.
To all the countries above, we sincerely thank you for all the help.
Many high tech devices were used for the search of the plane such as
Satellites, surveillance planes, warships and submarine underwater craft 
The good news is no debris of the plane were found
With this we can hold on to the possibility of the people might still be alive
Maybe they were in an unknown island trying to reach to us

I've come across the profile of the 239 people on the missing plane
There were artists, businessman, couples on honeymoon, and a lot more from different backgrounds :(

I wish the authorities would help out in more meaningful way
Maybe we are desperate with the plane whereabouts
But there is no reason to call for a superstitious search
Parodies were made on the internet and shared all over the world  
We Malaysians ends up being the laughing stock of the nation

There were some people that have been blaming the search party for the lack of updates
These people should really give it a break
Do you know that it took two years to find the flight recorders after the 2009 crash of Air France Flight 447 in the Atlantic Ocean, and months more to recover parts of the plane?

The search party are trying their best and this is not something that they can put a date on
So instead of sitting in front of the computer writing harsh comments about them
What about doing something to help
Such as volunteering to support the rescue mission by combing through satellite imagery for clues that may help locate the missing aircraft.
That would be a lot more helpful
 We are not giving up on you MH370
Please come back soon.



Be Happy :)

Hey there peeps!
So if you've read my previous post you would know that I'm pretty stressed out lately
Thanks to the mid term exam
But today I've realized that I'm not the only one feeling it
Most of my friends feel kinda stressed too :O
Seems like nobody have any extra time for small talks anymore

To whoever who have been feeling negative
And have not been smiling much lately,
So this blog post is for you :)

Firstly, I hope you feel beautiful today :)
You probably didn't hear this enough, but you've lovely :D
 And remember that everyone's trying hard to fight for something :)
 Whatever we do does make a difference :) 
You just might not see it yet :)
 So now..
 When you see somebody
Spread the positive energy around :)
You might not know how much they needed it

Ohh before I go,
Aww... :D


This song is amazing if all above fails to make you smile/laugh,
Give this a try :)


Stress :O

Heyyy peeps!
It's week 7 of my semester now! :D
7 more weeks and I'm gonna be done with this semester woohoo!
But week 7 is also the week of midterm exams :(
So you know..
Wait.. That's not enough to make a statement
Yep. This is more like it .__.

I've got 6 subjects this semester which means 6 papers :O
And 2 of the papers will include practical test too!
So.. 6 papers + 2 practicals T.T

Walking around campus and I see all the students holding a book
And the immense discussion about the previous test
Or competing on who-haven't-been-sleeping-since-3246782364years-ago
Pfft. Asians.
You don't get to say I'm racist because I'm also an Asian
Eheheheh :P
I'm just not one of the typical ones.

Here's a conversation to prove it
Friend A: Hey Karman so did you study yesterday?
Me: Yeah I guess, I kinda flipped through the notes and went to bed early
Friend A: Ohh I slept at 4am last night but I don't feel like I studied enough
Friend B: 4am? I was up the whole night and I still feel like I didn't study enough
Friend&D&E&F&G: Yeah me too .__.
And suddenly they all look at me one kind.

You guys see what I'm going through here?
But fortunately I'm done with 3 of the exams so.. 
6 more to go 
Just need to get this over with
Real quick.
Ohh and if you're wondering why am I posting so much gifs
That's because I'm in the library and the internet connection is amazing!
Also I love gifs!
A picture speaks a thousand words
A gif speaks so much more!
So I kinda got carried away :D
I can't even load google images in the hostel :(
You see the difference?
I'm social networking while they're studying somewhere :O

Sometimes it feels like I'm surrounded by 100 Spencer Hastings
Don't know who she is?
Here's one of her quote from Pretty Little Liars
Speaking of which,
It's one big episode on Pretty Little Liars tonight!
Aria knew that Ezra is A last week!
HOW DARE YOU? I trusted you T.T
Anyway to release my stress. 

Buh-bye now!
