
One Year Down ❤

Hello peeps! 
I know it's been ohh-so-bloody-long ever since I updated but I've got good reasons
Just hear me out. Or, read me out? Not out loud but.. You know what I mean :)

1. I was having my finals
I'm taking 6 subjects this semester, it might not sound stressful but let's see, 
A long semester takes up 14 weeks, every subject would have at least 6 chapters so let's just go with 6, that's 36 chapters in 14 weeks, now let's deduct 2 weeks for holidays, mid-term weeks, practical tests and cancelled class. That leaves us 12 weeks. The first week is usually the introduction of the subject and another week is used to do assignments every subject. That leaves us with 10 weeks.
10 freaking weeks to study and master 36 chapters.
Did I mention we're suppose to score well for finals?

2. I've turned 20! :)
I know this isn't really a reason but I've been thinking a lot about it lately. Turning 20 means that I'm one step closer to being a responsible adult and I'm suppose to start acting like one. Not spending my birthday with my family just made it worse. Deep down I know studying for finals is the right thing to do but the kid in me just wants to go home and eat a cake with my family. To be a responsible person or be happy? I chose to be responsible, not gonna lie, I wasn't happy.
Which is why I have no mood to blog :(

Long story short, I haven't had the time or the mood to blog :(
But it's all over now yay!
Finished finals, back at home, all is well 

Back to the main topic, ONE YEAR DOWN!
2 more years until I can graduate 
The past year have been nothing but tough, leaving home, a whole new syllabus, people from all walks of life, shitty internet connection and cycling under a hot sun.
I'm proud to say that I survived all of that for a year
Little things that I've learned from the past year were

1. University lecturers are nothing like high school teachers
You're basically on your own cause gone were the good old days where teachers would scribble on the white boards and explain every single thing and come to your desk to make sure you do things right. Instead we now have lecturers that only clicks the next button on the computer on the powerpoint slides and if you don't understand, you gotta send an e-mail to book a timeslot to ask questions.

2. You will feel dumb
You know that feeling when you're sure you could ace that test and when the results are release you really did? 
Remember when you were mad at yourself because you're so close to getting an A+ or A? Wave those days goodbye because not only that the time to study the subjects are much shorter, whatever you learn is also way harder than your high school syllabus. 
You just need to accept that scoring a B ain't that bad :)

3. Your faith in humanity will be destroyed
As soon as your university life starts, you will have to complete group assignments. The first meeting with your group mates will always go well, names, ideas, jokes were exchanged, thing seems to be going well, and BAM, 3 days before the due date you'll be sitting in front of your computer trying to solo through the whole assignment.
This is all based on luck :)

4. Sleep is for the weak!
You've studied everything for the coming mid-term test and you have 5 hours left to sleep. Do you really wanna risk waking up not remembering stuff and ruining 20% of your final grade?
Of course you don't :D 
Be prepared to join the panda club

5. Not like the movies
I'm sure most of you have watched movies about university life where there is booze and parties. I'm sorry to crush your dreams but that is not how it's gonna be. Unless you don't care about your grades or you're crazy smart or you're just here for fun, then yes, enjoy it! 
But hey, at least you get to know some real friends that would last a lifetime :)

Remember, this post is just what I feel and it doesn't represent every university student
Everyone could have a different opinion :)
At last I would love to thank a special someone that went through all of this with me
It was hard for the both of us but at least we have each other
I don't know if I could survive this without her
I thank you with all my heart Michelle Ong 
Let's graduate and get out of this place ASAP.
That's all for this post I hope you guys can relate and like it!
