
One step at a time :)

Heyyylouuu peeps!
I know I've been M-I-A for a while D:
Well I thought I'll be free after the mid terms for at least 3 weeks
Because my faculty decided to give us a test 2 on most subjects
Which means we kinda have a Mid-term 2.0
If you think it's bad now, wait for it...
We are having our finals from April 26th 
Our Mid-term 2.0 ends around the 7th but one of the teacher just released their assignment topic/ title
Which is due on the 21st
Awesome I know.
So there's approximately 5 days to prepare for the finals.
Sometimes I think the school is testing our limit
Again and again.
Hmm we just gotta live up to the good name of the university I guess
Don't wanna graduate with a bunch of freshman :(

So that's basically what's going on with my life
But the great thing about the students across all nations is that
We all love procrastinating
I think I'm the list maker and the sidetracker :P
Which explains why I'm here hee :D

Okayyy now back to the main topic
One step at a time

I believe this have occurred to almost everyone 
A random person added you on Facebook
You would either approve the friend request or hit the not now button
You'd definitely hit the not now button when you have no idea who is it 
*If you approve it, man you need to read some articles about the danger of social network*

But the problem arises, you've seen this person
But he/she has never talked to you
Not even once, maybe some exchange glances
But you don't even know his/her name because you guys didn't even do a proper introduction
I'm sorry but when this occurs to me
I will choose to hit the not now button
Call me an old school person
But I very much prefer it when a person approaches me and introduce themselves
I think friendship would be much stronger this way :)

Anyway this is just what I think :)
If this offended you in any way,
Sorry :D

Gotta go now.
Found this on the internet 
God I love Tom Hiddleston <3
