

Heyyylowww peeps!
Well I actually did not expect to blog anytime soon
Cause with the internet speed I'm given 
And the starting of my university life
Blogging just seems to be a mission impossible over here
But I finished my assignments weeks before the due date
So... Here I am! :D

There was a 5 day holiday last week so I went back home
And it's proven
Nowhere will ever feel more comfortable than home
I miss my family, my house, my room, my car, the food and the internet speed
I always thought I'm not gonna get homesick
Since the university is merely a 2 and a half hour drive from home
But that's not true. 
No matter how far/near you are from home, if you're not living in it, you're gonna get home sick
Well at least that's the case for me

After the 5 days break, the first thing that welcomed me back to the hostel, is a cold
I caught a cold on the very first day back here
It's like my body saying: "Dude, go home!"
That is when I really feel the homesick kicking in
I gotta take the meds on my own, remind myself in the next 8 hours
Take vitamin supplements, Check body temperature.
All by my own.
My mom is not here to make sure I'm okay,
My dad is not here to make sure I have an appetite
My brother is not here to make sure I'm not dead.. yet.. :O

But I guess this is a part of growing up
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Ohh and here's an advice to everyone.
Always bring enough cash for grocery shopping
Because you wouldn't know when your credit card cannot be authorized
I almost got a heart attack yesterday, here's a thank you note to my mom for teaching me to keep emergency money with me :D

Ohh and one of my lecturers wants us to do a sketch instead of a presentation
On a exam week
The sketch is worth 15% for our final course grade
Great. Just great.
Did I mention we should dress up for the sketch too? 
But at least my group members were cooperating on this
Hopefully this sketch is gonna turn out to be a good one.

I guess I can conclude that this week haven't been great
But it's all gonna be fine cause
Tough time doesn't last, tough people do :D
