
Halfway done

Hellooooo peeps!
The mid-term exam ends today yay!
Also all assignments are handed in and all presentations are done!
So no more burning the midnight oil and no more headache :D
Well maybe I spoke too soon
Cause our final is like 2 weeks away
Hmph :(
I don't really understand how the short semester work
We only study for like say.. A month?
And we have a mid term and final?
But at least we could graduate in a shorter period :)

If everything goes well from here,
I'd be done with Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia and Hubungan Etnik
Thank god the final paper is gonna be MCQ questions not essay questions
Or else you're gonna see a hobo living in the library
Yep that would be me.
Maybe I'll drag Michelle along, so that's a couple of hobos :P

Ohh and our group had the sketch yesterday
Everything went well and the audience cheered loudly for us
So I guess everyone had a great time
I was so nervous before my scene cause I had to walk down the stairs with a 4-inch high heels
With everybody's staring. Imagine the pressure
Thanks to the experience I had with the heels, I nailed it! :D
I think acting is actually fun when your team mates doesn't act like an ass
So this is done, moving on!

Next semester I'm gonna be taking the major subjects for my course
So I'm actually worried that I might not cope well :(
But it has to start somewhere right?
Worst case scenario, I become a hobo in the library :P
Fingers crossed that won't actually happen.

Ohh and I found out one thing about the people in the university
They're all shy at first and they don't express themselves well
There are times where I just wanna strangle them cause they won't speak up
But after a month, miraculously they became friendly
They start to joke and share about stuff
Maybe they finally warmed up to us or they found the courage to speak to us
I'm happy for that change :)
It's just that the semester's almost over
And we might not have the same subject next semester
So it's a shame :(

I'm also having my semester break soon! 
Countdown 22 days to holiday woohoo!
I wanna go home so badly I'm actually thinking about what to pack home hahahah!
Maybe I will start packing next week :)

That's all for my updates this week! 
