
十二月 :D







*我小时候的偶像结婚了,我含泪祝福*-含泪是有点夸张了 :P









我默默地惭愧了一下 :O


嘻嘻 :)


Woohoo! - 这个我还真的不会翻译 :O



看到自己的时间表那一刻,我真有一种想要把学校铲平的冲动 >.<


拜拜 :D




Hey there :)
It's 4.32am right now and for some reasons, I can't sleep
I'm wide awake :O
So I decided to blog a little 
I don't really have any idea on what to blog
Hence I guess I'm just gonna let my brain juice flow :)

I've read a post on Facebook saying people tend to be more emotional at night
Some words that means nothing to you in the morning,
When said at night, it's gonna make you question your whole life
I think I'm starting to believe it

There are times when people ask me why I do certain things
At that point I will come up with a bunch of strong points
Backing myself up with the decisions I made
Probably with the same reasons I used to convinced myself to do it
I will defend and protect myself against all the negative remarks on that decision
Not letting anybody mess with my head
Some people might think that I'm tough and firm
But that's not it, because I know I can't let anyone make me question myself
I might go into a lose-myself state when that happens

A wise man once said
“As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live.” 

I'm not saying that you should only trust yourself
There are too many people out there who's smarter and more experienced
You take their advice before making your decision
When you came up with a decision, take it as your conclusion
Stick to it, don't change it.
Changing means adapting to whole new concept
Not much people can cope with it
At least not me
I hate starting over again
I hate letting my previous effort go down the drain

Before tonight I didn't know why I'm so strong headed
Well this blog post explains a lot :O
Hmm I guess night-time does make you think about a lot of stuff

So that's all for this blog post!
I'm finally feeling a little sleepy :D
Good night loves <3





Helloooo peeps!
So there has been a small change in my university life :)
Instead of being a student and a housemate,
I also have responsible for a kitty now :D
Well it's not really my cat
He's a stray cat that sneaked into our hostel while Michelle and I were cooking
He was so skinny and dirty and he can't even meow :O
So Michelle and I fed him and clean him
After doing that, kitty became attached to us :O
Since we don't have much to do here, we decided to take care of him :D
Ohh and his name was kitty before we found out it's a HE
So we changed it to SIMBA!
Pretty cool huh? :D

We both thought about keeping Simba
But we’re afraid that he would get too attached to us
We’re having our sem break in 20 days, and who’s gonna take care of Simba then?
So we decided to not get too close with Simba L
We only give him food and play with him for a while
But he’s so cute now! It’s a really hard thing to do L
And Simba’s eating a lot! I’m afraid Michelle and I are gonna go broke feeding him lol!
Is it normal for a kitten to eat 2 sausages and 2 fishballs?
Hmm.. I don’t know :O

Ohh and he can meow right now hahahah!
He’s really playful and active :D
Here’s a picture of Simba! :)


Halfway done

Hellooooo peeps!
The mid-term exam ends today yay!
Also all assignments are handed in and all presentations are done!
So no more burning the midnight oil and no more headache :D
Well maybe I spoke too soon
Cause our final is like 2 weeks away
Hmph :(
I don't really understand how the short semester work
We only study for like say.. A month?
And we have a mid term and final?
But at least we could graduate in a shorter period :)

If everything goes well from here,
I'd be done with Tamadun Islam dan Tamadun Asia and Hubungan Etnik
Thank god the final paper is gonna be MCQ questions not essay questions
Or else you're gonna see a hobo living in the library
Yep that would be me.
Maybe I'll drag Michelle along, so that's a couple of hobos :P

Ohh and our group had the sketch yesterday
Everything went well and the audience cheered loudly for us
So I guess everyone had a great time
I was so nervous before my scene cause I had to walk down the stairs with a 4-inch high heels
With everybody's staring. Imagine the pressure
Thanks to the experience I had with the heels, I nailed it! :D
I think acting is actually fun when your team mates doesn't act like an ass
So this is done, moving on!

Next semester I'm gonna be taking the major subjects for my course
So I'm actually worried that I might not cope well :(
But it has to start somewhere right?
Worst case scenario, I become a hobo in the library :P
Fingers crossed that won't actually happen.

Ohh and I found out one thing about the people in the university
They're all shy at first and they don't express themselves well
There are times where I just wanna strangle them cause they won't speak up
But after a month, miraculously they became friendly
They start to joke and share about stuff
Maybe they finally warmed up to us or they found the courage to speak to us
I'm happy for that change :)
It's just that the semester's almost over
And we might not have the same subject next semester
So it's a shame :(

I'm also having my semester break soon! 
Countdown 22 days to holiday woohoo!
I wanna go home so badly I'm actually thinking about what to pack home hahahah!
Maybe I will start packing next week :)

That's all for my updates this week! 



Dark Side

Heyyylowww peeps!
So yesterday we had the meeting about the new script for the sketch
And I gotta say everything went pretty well from there :)
Now all we gotta do is get it over with then we're good :D

I gotta admit last night really brought out the dark side of mine
But don't worry, no feelings were hurt
I don't know how, but I managed to control the burning desire to slit someone's throat
Too much? That's how I felt anyway.
I get mad at people who doesn't give a damn
Or people who don't even bother to check the updates
I know that everyone might have more important stuff to do
But we're a team isn't it?
It is just unfair for people who actually spend the time doing things 
But I guess this is the thing about group work
There are good times but also there are definitely bad times

Except for all the crap we actually had a great time rehearsing our scene
It turns out to be a mix between romance, humor and a little action
I do wanna share with you guys about it
But I just cannot bear the chances of someone doing the same thing again
Don't worry I'll keep you guys updated about how it goes :)

Some might ask, why are you making a big deal out of this?
Chill out it's just a sketch.
Well dude, I don't know about you but for me,
As long as there's marks for it, I'm gonna take it seriously.
I want the best work done with the least amount of time possible
It's just how I do things, you can either agree or disagree :)
Doesn't matter to me :)

To my group members, I apologize if I wasn't exactly friendly yesterday
And that you feel pressured because of me 
At least we got things done now :)
That's what matter to me.

Also thanks for coping with me, you guys are pretty great :)



Mid-Term Exam :O

Hey peeps!
So it's an exam week here in the university
They call it a mid-term but who are we kidding we've only been studying for a month
Oops wait it's only been 3 weeks cause we had a week holiday 
But the teacher is putting in half the syllabus into the mid-term
That's basically my reaction

The worst part is when the teacher says the notes she gave isn't really sufficient we gotta go to the library and refer to the textbook
I have mixed feelings
It's kinda between 'I'm falling apart' and 'Are you effin kidding me'
It kinda feels like this

Don't take me wrong I have nothing against going to the library 
To be honest the library in the university is a magnificient building
It's scenic and calm and you can see the lake and all
But the problem is that
The distance between the library and my block is North Pole vs South Pole
And it's a freaking uphill road
Can you imagine cycling all the way up?

I've got 3 subjects this week and so far it's 2 down, 1 to go 
Plus there's 3 presentations going next week
I just can't wait for this semester to be over!
I wanna go home!

Ohh there's something I wanna share :)
One of my teachers think it's gonna be funny switching our presentation to a sketch
Yeap. A sketch
The time given was a week and it's 15% to our final grades
Great. Just great.
We were actually good to go but then some other team came up with the same idea we had
So for that we have to redo the script 
Quote from our group leader: "Yep we're gonna die"
With the exam week some people can't make it to our next meeting
I just hope everything goes well from here.




Heyyylowww peeps!
Well I actually did not expect to blog anytime soon
Cause with the internet speed I'm given 
And the starting of my university life
Blogging just seems to be a mission impossible over here
But I finished my assignments weeks before the due date
So... Here I am! :D

There was a 5 day holiday last week so I went back home
And it's proven
Nowhere will ever feel more comfortable than home
I miss my family, my house, my room, my car, the food and the internet speed
I always thought I'm not gonna get homesick
Since the university is merely a 2 and a half hour drive from home
But that's not true. 
No matter how far/near you are from home, if you're not living in it, you're gonna get home sick
Well at least that's the case for me

After the 5 days break, the first thing that welcomed me back to the hostel, is a cold
I caught a cold on the very first day back here
It's like my body saying: "Dude, go home!"
That is when I really feel the homesick kicking in
I gotta take the meds on my own, remind myself in the next 8 hours
Take vitamin supplements, Check body temperature.
All by my own.
My mom is not here to make sure I'm okay,
My dad is not here to make sure I have an appetite
My brother is not here to make sure I'm not dead.. yet.. :O

But I guess this is a part of growing up
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, right?

Ohh and here's an advice to everyone.
Always bring enough cash for grocery shopping
Because you wouldn't know when your credit card cannot be authorized
I almost got a heart attack yesterday, here's a thank you note to my mom for teaching me to keep emergency money with me :D

Ohh and one of my lecturers wants us to do a sketch instead of a presentation
On a exam week
The sketch is worth 15% for our final course grade
Great. Just great.
Did I mention we should dress up for the sketch too? 
But at least my group members were cooperating on this
Hopefully this sketch is gonna turn out to be a good one.

I guess I can conclude that this week haven't been great
But it's all gonna be fine cause
Tough time doesn't last, tough people do :D
