
Happy Birthday Fu Yen :D

I'm so sorry for the late post.
Fu Yen's birthday is actually on Nov 23rd

Please forgive me and blame it on the holidays :P
I've been busy being a couch potato
And watching Thai drama's
I know some of you might not understand why Thai drama,
But I'm telling you, Thai drama is as good as the Korean and Taiwan drama
The plus point is that the guys are all super hot! :P

That's Dome Pakorn Lam
Why you so hot? :P

I think I drifted away from the topic. 
That tends to be my bad habit...
Anyway, for Fu Yen's birthday, Rachel, Karen and I went out!
Sum Yee and Alice can't make it as they live super far away...
Not to mention my honey Mich is practically living on the other side of Earth

Hmm.. So our date started at 8am
We gathered at my place and here we go!

We went to Levain Boulangerie & Patisserie for breakfast! 
It's a pretty little bakery, actually it's pretty big
It's like a bungalow :O
And they help you park your car! :D 
There are various type of bread here :D
And the menu board is super cute!
I apologize for the bad quality that my phone holds :(
And what's better than a croissant?
A mini croissant! :D 
And a slice of pizza! 
Rachel and Fu Yen went for a chicken pizza

And all of it taste good!
You guys should really come to this place! :)
Look! It's almost full around 9am!
So better come early :D
And I HAVE to mention this super cute baby we saw..
He stuffed the mini croissant into his little mouth with his little hands...
So cute! 

That's Karen and I :)
Me and Rachel :D

I think I'm gonna post a Part 2 cause this blog post seems oddly long :P
Anyway part 2 will be up in no time! :D




Hello peeps!
I think everyone's having their HOLIDAY now,
For those who's not, a moment of silence for our friend in the class.
*I know I'm evil*

So what do you guys do during a holiday?
According to a few research from my friends, 
The answers are mostly...

I actually couldn't agree more on the answers
We tend to make up what we couldn't have during the school days

When we were forced to chunk down a sandwich from lectures to lectures
And so close to keeping our eyes open with a toothpick during lectures
So I think it's understandable to be a couch potato during the holidays

But during the process into a couch potato
That's one thing that concerns most of the girls and also.. boys
Is that...
You don't wanna look like this when school reopens now do you?

Neither do I.
So I went shopping for groceries the other day and saw this healthy snack.

The oat krunch biscuit!

I know most people walk away when the word OAT is mentioned
But this biscuit doesn't taste like oat..
I can only promise you on the chocolate flavoured one
Because that's the only one I tried 

And now they have a new-look
Which is pretty cute :D

The another thing people tends to do is oversleeping
According to google,
Oversleeping is BAD FOR YOUR HEALTH

Oversleeping has been linked to a host of medical problems, including diabetesheart disease, and increased risk of death.

Remember, a young adult or adult only needs seven to nine hours sleep per day
So do not oversleep!
It can be pretty harmful to your body.

So choose your snack wisely don't oversleep


Long Distance

All i have is this picture in a frame
That I hold close to see your face every day

With you is where I'd rather be

But we're stuck where we are
And it's so hard,you're so far
This long distance is killing me

The song is Long Distance from Bruno Mars. A really nice song :)

Long distance relationship is HARD

There's no doubt to it
But some people make it work. They said it's the TRUST between them that kept them going.
I personally don't believe much in long distance relationship
You have to worry about what time is it in his place,
Whether or not you should bother him with your news update.
Some would say, it's okay even if it's late at night
But who can keep the promise till the end?
Can you promise that you wouldn't just get fed up?
When bad things happen, you wouldn't want to hug him/her so hard,
Wouldn't look into the webcam, screaming why you weren't here?
Or cry your heart out once he/she's logged off?

Endless waiting...

Maybe I'm being a little too pessimist about this

But I really think that, time changes and people changes
Falling in love is easy, what's hard is maintaining the relationship.
Isn't it?
The distance is no help to maintaining a relationship

I think it's not that I don't trust us,

It's just that too much evidence are pointing out that this wouldn't work
I don't want to be the girl fallen so deeply in love and got a text saying
'This isn't working anymore. I can't do this'

I think finding the right person is important for a relationship
But what's equally important is the right timing
Some people didn't get together even though they're meant to be.

I guess that's all for this!
Do me a favour, whoever made it through a long distance relationship,
Let me know, maybe I'll change my mind after that!





My ohh-so-long AS exam is finally over! 
Sorry for being extra hyper today I just really really happy :D
The exam had been going on for more than a month @@
And it haven't been easy
Especially trying to keep my study mode ON
But now that everything is over, even water taste like FREEDOM

I've always plan ahead what should I do after my exams
Make plans in my head then secretly planning with the girlfriends
I guess that's what everybody do!
Before exam we complain about how exhausted we are and literally dozed off everywhere
That happened to me, I literally fell asleep during a phone call with my friend :/
Sometimes I wonder if sissy-fly bite me :/
*Sissy-fly is from Africa, when it bites you, your sleeping hour will increase from time to time and finally... sleep to your death.*
P/S: Until today there's no cure for it :/
Well that's what my biology teacher tell me, now that I think of it, my teacher is pretty scary...
Hmm... Better not ask.

And when the exam is over it feels like we have all the energy in the world lol!
Now that I'm free, I don't really know what to do
Am I suppose to watch all the movies that I've been missing out?
Or should I go out with all my friends?  Catch up on their life?
Maybe I should finally join a volunteer job?
Or go for a marathon/jogathon? 
I guess I'll be preparing my luggage for the coming vacation first,
Then think about the other stuff :)

Anyway this post is just to share my joy with all of you hahahahah!
It feels SO GOOD to have 24 hours a day to do nothing :P

Next post will be about the awesome movie that I've watched twice in a week :D
Will be blogging on that a little later today,
Goodbye for now :)



Youtube Funny Video

I've always wanted to share this with all of you but I keep forgetting
Saw this clip on youtube earlier and it's really funny!
You guys should check it out :D
His name is Noah Yap from Singapore :)

That's How To Be A Typical Ah Beng

And that's How To Be A Typical Ah Lian

Both video are super funny!
Hope you guys enjoy! :)


Victoria station :)

I realize my blog has been a little moody lately :(
So I decided to post something cheerful!
A *Victoria Station* food post :D

My family went there for dinner a few weeks ago :)
Back when I was young I love going there because I think dining in the train is super awesome!
Now that I've grew up I thought I wouldn't be that excited anymore
But... I was wrong..
I still requested to dine in the train lololololol
You guys should request for it it's quite special but the space is kinda small

Okay back to the train..
I think I should just let the pictures do the talking

Their Shark's Fin Crabmeat is so far the best soup I've ever tasted! :D


Mixed Grill
A little bit of everything :)

Top Sirloin Filet

Fish and Chips

Mashed potato! :)
 *banana theme song play in background, PO-TA-TOOOOO*

Banana boat :D
 My all time favourite :)

They gave us this for free! It's like a strawberry jelly thingy :P

I guess that's all for this post sorry for not typing much I'm really tired nowww...
My dog is halfway sleeping..

Goodnight peeps :)



Sinister off my bucket list!

If you know me well enough you should know
I haven't watched any of them back then but..
Yeah I think I just plainly dislike them
Cause you see, if you're watching a comedy, 
You're paying for the movie for laughter! And it'll brightens up your mood!

For example

Or this one!

Or this one!!

Funniest of all

This movie is really funny!
It's *White Chicks*

If you're watching a horror movie,
You're paying for the movie to get emotionally attacked on,
And with odds of possibility, get a heart attack. 
Or mildly, a nightmare that would haunt you for a while.

So why choose a horror movie over a comedy? :(
Rachel and Fu Yen once came to my house, 
We drank a little and made a bucket list before we finish college
Rachel is a big fan of horror movie... 
So one of them is SURVIVE A HORROR MOVIE

So after our chemistry practical exam,
We went for a horror film,
And Rachel had to choose the scariest horror movie of all


The movie is really really scary.
From a scale of one to ten
I think it's around 8 :(
That's Mr Boogie...

The movie scared the **** outta me and Fu Yen.
But we survived the whole 1 hour and 50 minutes
I'm a brave girl...
*after searching of these images, the scene came flashing back*

Anyway that's one off my bucket list!
Will update you guys on the others too!











I'm 18 this year, well to be exact I've been 18 for 2months and 10days now :)
Today I was thinking about being mature
I guess it's time for me to be mature by now.
So I made a huge decision to text whoever that I owe an apology to.

Step 1: Forgive and Forget
In my case it's apologize for what I've done in the past.
Everyone makes mistakes.
And I've certainly hurt somebody else's feeling back then

And there's this particular someone that I owe a big apology to.
I didn't get my hopes up for a reply after sending the text.
But this someone replied, we sorted things out
And we're friends now.
Not to say friends, but at least we're trying to accept each other back into our lives.
And that's more than enough for me :)

What I'm trying to share is that
Don't be afraid to apologize, it does not make you a loser,
It just simply meant that you cherish the friendship between you guys.
And it is never too late to make things right :)

I hope you, yeah the one reading this, could do the same,
Cause you got no idea what you're missing out
You might be worrried that,
What if the other person doesn't forgive you,
Well at least you tried and this isn't gonna bug you for the rest of your life :)



Daily dose of tweet

That moment when that little voice in your head says : ''Yep... you're going to hell''. - @damnitstrue on twitter :)

P/S: Me and my friend, Michelle Ong have hell a lotta moments like that. Oops, I'm definitely going to hell...


Daily dose of tweet

Life is short. Break rules. Color outside the lines. Forget regrets. Follow dreams. Be crazy. Take chances. Live life. - @damnitstrue on twitter :)

P/S: Sometimes we tried too hard to be perfect trying to please everyone around us. 
Life is gonna be even harder that way.
So at some point of your life, you just gotta Eff everything and give yourself a break :)


Dine-in JOGOYA :)

Well as I've mentioned in the previous post, all of us went to the JOGOYA buffet :)

That's us! :)

It was a really fun day except for all the walking
We took the LRT from Wangsa Maju to KLCC.
According to the news, there's a new bridge that connects KLCC to Pavilion
So we decided to try the 'new built' bridge.
My opinion towards it was...
walk.walk.more walk.endless walking...
Yeah I'm not exaggerating at all the bridge was so effing long and as you can see from the picture all of us wore a pretty dress and we were on heels.

We looked like this for less than half an hour

But after that...

And when we were on the way back.

I'm just glad that none of us fell down or things would've gotten pretty ugly...
So a small advice for all the girls out there,
Prepare a pair of ballet flats in your bag all the time

You will still love lovely and stylish
And your feet will not torture you to death

Okay I guess that's all for our food trip :)
