

I'm 18 this year, well to be exact I've been 18 for 2months and 10days now :)
Today I was thinking about being mature
I guess it's time for me to be mature by now.
So I made a huge decision to text whoever that I owe an apology to.

Step 1: Forgive and Forget
In my case it's apologize for what I've done in the past.
Everyone makes mistakes.
And I've certainly hurt somebody else's feeling back then

And there's this particular someone that I owe a big apology to.
I didn't get my hopes up for a reply after sending the text.
But this someone replied, we sorted things out
And we're friends now.
Not to say friends, but at least we're trying to accept each other back into our lives.
And that's more than enough for me :)

What I'm trying to share is that
Don't be afraid to apologize, it does not make you a loser,
It just simply meant that you cherish the friendship between you guys.
And it is never too late to make things right :)

I hope you, yeah the one reading this, could do the same,
Cause you got no idea what you're missing out
You might be worrried that,
What if the other person doesn't forgive you,
Well at least you tried and this isn't gonna bug you for the rest of your life :)
