
Sinister off my bucket list!

If you know me well enough you should know
I haven't watched any of them back then but..
Yeah I think I just plainly dislike them
Cause you see, if you're watching a comedy, 
You're paying for the movie for laughter! And it'll brightens up your mood!

For example

Or this one!

Or this one!!

Funniest of all

This movie is really funny!
It's *White Chicks*

If you're watching a horror movie,
You're paying for the movie to get emotionally attacked on,
And with odds of possibility, get a heart attack. 
Or mildly, a nightmare that would haunt you for a while.

So why choose a horror movie over a comedy? :(
Rachel and Fu Yen once came to my house, 
We drank a little and made a bucket list before we finish college
Rachel is a big fan of horror movie... 
So one of them is SURVIVE A HORROR MOVIE

So after our chemistry practical exam,
We went for a horror film,
And Rachel had to choose the scariest horror movie of all


The movie is really really scary.
From a scale of one to ten
I think it's around 8 :(
That's Mr Boogie...

The movie scared the **** outta me and Fu Yen.
But we survived the whole 1 hour and 50 minutes
I'm a brave girl...
*after searching of these images, the scene came flashing back*

Anyway that's one off my bucket list!
Will update you guys on the others too!
