
Be Happy :)

Hey there peeps!
So if you've read my previous post you would know that I'm pretty stressed out lately
Thanks to the mid term exam
But today I've realized that I'm not the only one feeling it
Most of my friends feel kinda stressed too :O
Seems like nobody have any extra time for small talks anymore

To whoever who have been feeling negative
And have not been smiling much lately,
So this blog post is for you :)

Firstly, I hope you feel beautiful today :)
You probably didn't hear this enough, but you've lovely :D
 And remember that everyone's trying hard to fight for something :)
 Whatever we do does make a difference :) 
You just might not see it yet :)
 So now..
 When you see somebody
Spread the positive energy around :)
You might not know how much they needed it

Ohh before I go,
Aww... :D


This song is amazing if all above fails to make you smile/laugh,
Give this a try :)


Stress :O

Heyyy peeps!
It's week 7 of my semester now! :D
7 more weeks and I'm gonna be done with this semester woohoo!
But week 7 is also the week of midterm exams :(
So you know..
Wait.. That's not enough to make a statement
Yep. This is more like it .__.

I've got 6 subjects this semester which means 6 papers :O
And 2 of the papers will include practical test too!
So.. 6 papers + 2 practicals T.T

Walking around campus and I see all the students holding a book
And the immense discussion about the previous test
Or competing on who-haven't-been-sleeping-since-3246782364years-ago
Pfft. Asians.
You don't get to say I'm racist because I'm also an Asian
Eheheheh :P
I'm just not one of the typical ones.

Here's a conversation to prove it
Friend A: Hey Karman so did you study yesterday?
Me: Yeah I guess, I kinda flipped through the notes and went to bed early
Friend A: Ohh I slept at 4am last night but I don't feel like I studied enough
Friend B: 4am? I was up the whole night and I still feel like I didn't study enough
Friend&D&E&F&G: Yeah me too .__.
And suddenly they all look at me one kind.

You guys see what I'm going through here?
But fortunately I'm done with 3 of the exams so.. 
6 more to go 
Just need to get this over with
Real quick.
Ohh and if you're wondering why am I posting so much gifs
That's because I'm in the library and the internet connection is amazing!
Also I love gifs!
A picture speaks a thousand words
A gif speaks so much more!
So I kinda got carried away :D
I can't even load google images in the hostel :(
You see the difference?
I'm social networking while they're studying somewhere :O

Sometimes it feels like I'm surrounded by 100 Spencer Hastings
Don't know who she is?
Here's one of her quote from Pretty Little Liars
Speaking of which,
It's one big episode on Pretty Little Liars tonight!
Aria knew that Ezra is A last week!
HOW DARE YOU? I trusted you T.T
Anyway to release my stress. 

Buh-bye now!



Being M.U.T.E

Heyyy peeps! 
How are you guys doing lately?
Remember the heatwave post I blogged about earlier?
The 'Gates of Hell' weather finally got to me
After fighting off the headache, cough and flu 
I woke up yesterday and became mute :(
Still didn't know how it happened cause I swear I've been drinking so much water!
Well I guess sometimes lady luck is just not on your side

Hence for yesterday and today I experienced being mute
It was not a pleasant experience
People have trouble listening to me and I became a lot more frustrated with it
And in some extreme cases, I became violent :P
Hitting someone on the arm is no good but how else am I suppose to get your attention?
I guess I just felt insecure 
Mostly cause I can't express myself in words :(
I've tried the medicine/sweets but it hasn't been working :(
But thank god I've got Michelle as my very own personal translator :D
She somehow understood my lip sync and a whole lot of self created sign language 
The only plus point is that I get to swear out loud hahahaha!

It's officially the exam week starting from tomorrow
Well more like an exam month cause the timetable sucked.
If it's not for the exam I might just pack and hop on the earliest train and go home
Instead I'm stuck here drinking gallons of water hoping that my voice would come back soon
The worst part of being an adult, you're on your own 
Even when you're sick.

Well I should probably go get some rest now.
Fingers crossed that I get my voice back tomorrow :)

Ohh and I somehow joined a english-language-exchange-program :)
Met a new friend, Karen from Taiwan! :D
She seems like a great person and I hope we get along! 


Hello February ❤

Heyyo peeps! 
If you've read my previous post then you know that I've been posting the leftover posts in my drafts back in 2013 :O
In my defense, I usually just write down my main idea and elaborate it afterwards 
I've got plenty of ideas but not enough time to elaborate those :(
But I'm all done now! :)
My draft is finally clear! 
So now it's gonna be a up-to-date blog :
Except for this one too cause the internet connection keeps going down :(
Now let's travel back to the 1st of February hahaha! :D
January 2014
I really don't have much conclusion for it
Mainly because it passed by too quickly 
All I can recall is that my family and I celebrated New Years together
Then I started the second semester in university 
A week ago I bought the train tickets to come home for Chinese New Year :)
And BAM! It's February :O
So I guess it's a good idea to keep a blog :D

According to the Chinese tradition,
The family would all gather around and have a reunion dinner 
It's kinda like Thanksgiving :)
Just that instead of turkey we have almost everything you can find in the morning market 
As for usual family there's gonna be chicken, pork, prawns, meat, fish, veggie and soup :D 
This would be the time where the grandmother/mother in the family would serve their best dish 
And for certain ethnicities for say Hokkiens,
We would stay up until midnight to celebrate the first day of Chinese New Year and perform prayers mostly for good healthy and wealth throughout the year :) 
After that it's all visiting relatives and a lot of food and soda :D

Speaking of Chinese New Year
I remember this scene vividly in my head 
A few years back when my grandma was alive 
We would all go to her house to celebrate the second day of Chinese New Year :)
My grandma has 7 children so the family is really huge :D
Before I step into the house I'll hear laughter
Then my relatives would come up and hand me red packets and seasons greetings would be exchanged 
I'll meet up with all my cousins and we would talk about everything 
My grandma would prepare some food in the kitchen and make sure no one's on a empty stomach 
Later on the house would be converted to Vegas mode :D
The elders will be playing Mahjong while the youngsters will be playing poker 
Even the kids will be playing simple card games :)
There will also be a chatting corner everywhere and literally everyone will be occupied :)
During all that we'll be munching on my grandma's homemade snacks 
And there will be peeled off mandarin oranges around
Time will fly on that day and my grandma will be announcing dinner time 
Then it's gonna be a huge dinner that feeds approximately 35 people 
There's gonna be a table for the elders, a table for the teenagers and a table for the kids 
My grandma is great cook everyone loves the food she prepared :) 
Even though this scene can never be relived again
I will never forget the amount of happiness I see in everyone's face :)
I really miss you grandma.

I'm sorry that this post suddenly go all personal
Just wanted to share with you guys my POV on Chinese New Year :) 

Alright I guess that's all for this post
Wishing all of you a Happy Chinese New Year! :)
May the year of the horse bring you health, wealth and prosperity :D


The Heatwave .__.

Heyyo loves!    
While some people in the other part of the world is enjoying spring 
Here in Malaysia I present you the temperature I'd like to call the 
"Let's all get a heatstroke"
I'm guessing that the temperature now is around 38 degree Celsius 
Hot air is circulating around the place
If I ever crack an egg on the road, it'll be cooked straight away

On the bright side this is a perfect time to do some cleaning!
Put your pillows and bed sheet under the sun
With this heat I'm sure 99% of the bacteria will be dead :X
Also this is a great time to do your laundry :)
Your clothes will most probably dry off within an hour :O

I've been saying that I don't like having 8am classes but come to think of that
At least I don't have to cycle to school around 12pm
People could really get a heatstroke doing that 
Well sometimes it's not all bad :)

Anyway the temperature for the next few days is going to be crazy high 
So keep yourself hydrated at all times 
If you have a pet at home, make sure that their water dish is always full 
Bring an umbrella with you/wear a cap if you're going outdoor
Put on some sunscreen is possible :)

Alright that's all for this post!
I wish everyone a happy holiday and spend more time with your family    
If you can't be around at least give them a call I'm sure that'll put a big smile on their face :)

I can't wait to go home and spend time with my family  
Countdown: 6 days to be HOME 
