
2014 ❤

Hello peeps! 
It's 2014 now! Happy New Year to ya'll :D
May this year be another wonderful year ❤
I know it's considered a really late wish but this is the only time that I could sit down and blog
Can't believe my first blog post in 2014 is on the January 23rd
Ohh well!

Anyway did you guys make a new year resolution this year?
If you did, stick to it! :D
I have this feeling that this year is gonna be an amazing one ❤

It's gonna be the Chinese New Year soon! ❤
If I'm not mistaken the first day falls on January 31st
Which is about a week from now! :)
I can't wait to go home and celebrate it with my beloved family 
Time to take a break from all these studies hahahah!
I can already imagine the malls and streets of KL being decorated to the Chinese New Year feeling ❤
And the overly-played Chinese New Year song everywhere :O
I don't feel much of that here :(

My second semester of university life have started 10days ago
I swear it feels like it's been a month
Probably because of the crazy timetable that we have
I've got classes from 8am to 6pm for Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday :O
For the past few days the moment I step into my room after school
I collapse straight on my bed :O
And I'll go zombie mode the next morning
This picture perfectly describes me during my 8am class

Well it'll all pay off 3 years later ❤
Still hanging on! ❤
Everyone in my class include the lecturers have been talking about the CNY holiday
Everyone's excited to go home but the holiday given was really short :(
Most of our classes is resuming on the 4th February :(
So it's only gonna be a 3 day holiday excluding the weekends :(
But I'll take what I can get :D

Okay I gotta stop writing now I've got classes in 20 minutes :(
Gotta stay awake until 6pm tonightttt 

Hahaha alrighty I'll try to update the next post soon!
Until then ❤


冬至快乐! ❤

只是因为放在 Draft 里就把他遗忘了 囧
嘻嘻 ❤

祝大家冬至快乐 :)


少了搓汤圆的兴奋 :(



Pre-Christmas ❤

Before you read, this was a post I wrote back in December 2013! 
So bear with all the Christmas talk lol!

Hey lovelies :)
It's December 20th today which means...
5 days to Christmas woohoo!
Here's a super cute picture I saw online with a touch of Christmas ❤❤❤
Just thought I'd share it with you guys 

So I did some Christmas shopping today
The beautiful decorations in the mall really brings out the Christmas atmosphere 
Too bad we live in Malaysia - A tropical country
All we have here is hot, hot and hot 
But that doesn't mean it's impossible for it to snow here
That's the pyramids in Egypt covered in snow!
It haven't snow in Egypt for over a century
But ta-daaaa! :D
So don't say it's impossible 
"Impossible itself says I'm possible"
I don't remember where's the quote from but that's a good quote :D

Back to the shopping topic 
This year my friends and I decided to do a little gift exchange for Christmas ❤
But finding the right gift is so hard!
Especially when I haven't seen them for long
So I was really having a hard time gift shopping today :O
I wish they could just give me a wish list or something 
Or I should put in the receipt in case they wanna exchange it for something else? 
Anyway there's no luck finding their gift today 
So I guess I'm gonna go for a second attempt tomorrow

I forgot to mention that I watched The Hobbits - Desolation of Smaug last week
Never thought I could finish watching it cause 
I tried watching Lord of the rings for 3 times and I fell asleep on the first 30 minutes no matter how hard I try to say awake... 
I know that it's a classic and all but I just can't 
Now I feel guilty :O

But The Hobbits is totally different!
I love it! ❤❤❤
Maybe that's because one of my favorite actor Martin Freeman aka Bilbo aka John Watson is in it ❤
He's such a great actor and my friend told me that Smaug the dragon is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch aka Sherlock Holmes
Just made me love the movie even more ❤
Now I'm gonna go watch the first Hobbit movie :)

Ohh and I've finally watched Catching Fire!
It's a good movie with all the cool challenges but I gotta say liked the first one better
Also I can't wait for the third movie hopefully it's gonna be great! 

So I guess that's all with this post 
If you have any idea for the gift exchange feel free to leave a comment below
You will be blessed ❤❤❤
