
Now she's gone :'(

This is next day after what I posted earlier.
I don't remember how many times I cried today.
It's not because some jerk broke my heart or whatsoever.
Nisa is LEAVING :'(
She couldn't take it anymore.
She said its torturing. :'( She could barely speak or eat.
I can see the pain in her eyes :'(
Whatever it is who's watching Nisa, I HATE YOU
I cried like a baby when she said 'next time when you turn around I wouldn't be here anymore'
She sits right behind me and tears started pouring down :'(
I don't want you to leave. But I know it's best for you.
So instead of sitting there crying, me,crystal and tung decided to throw a farewell party.
Some friends told us that her birthday is on the 3th of April so we're going to celebrate her birthday a few days earlier.
We bought 2 manila card,borrowed some stuff from the drawing room and started working on her birthday card. We made everyone in class to write something on the card and sign it.
We also collected money to buy her a birthday cake. It's chocolate indulgens :)
And she was touched by the surprise party and started crying again.
I couldn't help but cried too. I really don't want her to leave. :'( but it's her last day already. 
Goodbye my friend.

Nisa, we 5P will miss you a lot.
I promise I'll visit you in Sabah if I ever go there kay?



Please leave her alone.

I've never believe in GHOST or AFTERLIFE. Until. TODAY.
Nisa is one of my best friends among the Malay. She's a mixed, Malay and Myanmar.
She has always been a kind hearted and helpful friend.
Everyone likes to be around her. :)
But things seem to different yesterday. 
She no longer smile, her eyes kept staring into blank and her hands keep shaking.
She could barely speak and her tears kept rolling down her cheeks.
I didn't know what's wrong and asked another girl who sits beside her.
She told me that there's something watching Nisa.
Something following Nisa everywhere and mumble things to her.
They said the something, is actually a ghost.
The ghost followed Nisa from her dorm. And it will never leave her.
Some of the teachers brought Nisa to the witch doctor (ustazah/bomoh) to heal her.
But it doesn't seems to work :(
Nisa is like being tortured. It just wouldn't leave her alone.
I sincerely hope that things are gonna turn out right.
Nisa, Get well soon :) 
I'll pray for you :) we all need you in the class. :)
Me and Nisa's hamster-Bulat :D




According to what I've posted earlier i promised to do this whole 'VAMPIRE/ZOMBIE' thing.
The first thing that pop into my mind about vampire is *drum rolls*

Second runner up

last but not least


To be honest I've got phobia towards horror movies so you guys can imagine me shaking and reading all those SO-CALLED FACTS and some website even provide pictures.
FML why did i have to make such promises?
BUT i DID find out the TRUTH behind the MYSTERIOUS VAMPIRE :P
*i feel like a detective for a moment while saying this* LOL :D
okay cut the crap.

After going through tons of website I found out about this PORPHYRIA, also called "The Vampire Disease".
To cut it short, the patients who had such disease couldn't stand staying under the SUN their skin would burst to flames. Nah just kidding they will be super uncomfortable and they'll have some sorta allergic reaction which include something like chicken pox over their body *gasp* that's why their skin became so pale. FACT 1
and next their teeth will change into dark brown or purple colour.The end of teeth will be reddish. Thats why people think they'd suck blood. FACT 2
They wouldn't lust for blood but they have anemia problem so they'll need blood transfusion to acheive normal blood level. This is why people thought they'd lust for blood FACT 3
There are some examples of people having such disease,
This is poor Casey who have no choice but to live in the dark forever

So we're NOT suppose to be so afraid about rumours on vampire.zombies.etc
Ohh and 1 more thing they can't take any garlics because that will worsen their disease :(

OKAYYY I guess I'm DONE :P *inhale deeply*
I hope you guys like the post i really put a lotta effort on this :/


Q•A :)

This is my very first post in my whole new bloggie :)
Cause I miraculously forgot my previous blog account and password *smack head*. O.O <-- that's the expression I've received so far :/ FML forgetting my password is not that bad is it? DONT ANSWER I DON'T WANT TO KNOW :/
NOW :) I'll probably update my bloggie very often cause I found this AWESOME APPS called IBLOGGER that enables us user to blog anytime.anywhere :)
I'll be BLOGGING about mostly my LIFE. I may be blogging a lotta stuff I think is interesting like real zombies in this world :) *saw that on some website that'll probably be my next post* STAY TUNED :)
I guess the person who make me wanna blog again is crystal cause she always talk about her blog LOL and yuan tung too :P nah I just wanna link to them :P anyway here I am :) with my whole new bloggie :)
As I mentioned thanks to the APP I shall update with my baby phone anywhere.anytime :)

OKAYYY I guess that'd do for my first post :)
