
THE BIG DAY for SMK Cochrane

Arghhh :/
I feel so bad for leaving out my blog like that for the past week
I'm so so so sorry :(
The guiltiness became worst when 
Nuffnang gave me 4 free movie tickets for my birthday surprise :D
*blow kisses muackss*
I promise by today I'll submit all the post that I've left out
There's around 3 post I guess :D

Okay so what is THE BIG DAY?
If you were reading my last post you'd know that it's
Yes it's SMK Cochrane annual carnival
*clap hands*
After doing my duty in my stall I decided to be the school reporter :D
I had almost all the pictures of the day :D
So I guess I'll let the pictures do the talking :)
Pictures :D
 Body art!!!
 The dolphin is super cute :D that girl has skills lol :P
 Early morning with Bloody Meng Jack :P
 Yuan Tung who dropped by
 Our FOOD :D
 Lemonade :D
 Fried Fried and Fried :/
 Syira :D
 The legendary fat sausage hahahahah :P
 Me and Teng
 Ice kacang yay!!!
 That is a lotta preparation :D
 Miss XinYi :D
 Rojak rojak 1 Malaysia :D
 Woah the tarts are so pretty
 Strawberry flavour :D
 Ice-blended powder? :D
 Dim Sum Dim Sum :D
 Another fried stuff stall :D
 Sausages :D
 Spot Spongebob!!! :D
 Spaghetti my love <3
 The Haunted Phycho ward :S
 Look at the people!!!
 How do I descibe this? :S
 I'm suppose to do the shock face FAILED :D w
Well she's too cute :D
 Behind the scene :P
 Once again. The people waiting for the haunted ward.
 And I'm not going in :P
 Tandoori Chicken YUMMY :D
 ICE-CREAM for the super sunny day :D
 Me and Crystal :D
 Yeah I know this failed :/
 Alex dropped by to support our school carnival :D
 Spongebob AGAIN :D
 Thanks for coming Alex :D
I love you :P

Okay I guess the picture did all the explaining :D
This is my last carnival :(
*since it's my senior year in Cochrane*
But everything ended successfully :D
Big claps for everybody!!!
