
Noble Family Steak House

We are now the family of online shopping :D
There's this website called the Groupon
You guys should really check it out
It gives out all the deals a lot cheaper than the usual price :D
After purchasing them with your credit card, you're free to redeem them :D

Okay so last few weeks me and my mum purchased this 
RM20 for any steak with unlimited salad and fries and drinks and POPCORN!!!
So our family went to the restaurant :D
Noble Family Steak House located in Viva Mall :D

It's a really nice place it gives you this warm feeling :)

Pictures time :D
 It was a sunny day the sun is shining so brightly 
A perfect day for a picnic :D
 Start off with my favourite - POPCORN :P
 This is the salad bar you can have unlimited salad as long as you ordered a steak
 My other favourite :D
 Fresh bread and buns :D
 Finally!!! My sirloin steak :D
 Black pepper was my choice of seasoning :D
 Woahhh!!! :D
 Ice-cream Ice-cream :D
 I'm so happy!!! :D
This is the special ice-cream plus ice kacang lol :P

The steak taste really nice :D
Feel free to drop by some time with your family :)

Another one :P
I should go now :P


THE BIG DAY for SMK Cochrane

Arghhh :/
I feel so bad for leaving out my blog like that for the past week
I'm so so so sorry :(
The guiltiness became worst when 
Nuffnang gave me 4 free movie tickets for my birthday surprise :D
*blow kisses muackss*
I promise by today I'll submit all the post that I've left out
There's around 3 post I guess :D

Okay so what is THE BIG DAY?
If you were reading my last post you'd know that it's
Yes it's SMK Cochrane annual carnival
*clap hands*
After doing my duty in my stall I decided to be the school reporter :D
I had almost all the pictures of the day :D
So I guess I'll let the pictures do the talking :)
Pictures :D
 Body art!!!
 The dolphin is super cute :D that girl has skills lol :P
 Early morning with Bloody Meng Jack :P
 Yuan Tung who dropped by
 Our FOOD :D
 Lemonade :D
 Fried Fried and Fried :/
 Syira :D
 The legendary fat sausage hahahahah :P
 Me and Teng
 Ice kacang yay!!!
 That is a lotta preparation :D
 Miss XinYi :D
 Rojak rojak 1 Malaysia :D
 Woah the tarts are so pretty
 Strawberry flavour :D
 Ice-blended powder? :D
 Dim Sum Dim Sum :D
 Another fried stuff stall :D
 Sausages :D
 Spot Spongebob!!! :D
 Spaghetti my love <3
 The Haunted Phycho ward :S
 Look at the people!!!
 How do I descibe this? :S
 I'm suppose to do the shock face FAILED :D w
Well she's too cute :D
 Behind the scene :P
 Once again. The people waiting for the haunted ward.
 And I'm not going in :P
 Tandoori Chicken YUMMY :D
 ICE-CREAM for the super sunny day :D
 Me and Crystal :D
 Yeah I know this failed :/
 Alex dropped by to support our school carnival :D
 Spongebob AGAIN :D
 Thanks for coming Alex :D
I love you :P

Okay I guess the picture did all the explaining :D
This is my last carnival :(
*since it's my senior year in Cochrane*
But everything ended successfully :D
Big claps for everybody!!!
