
High School :D

This is the Part 2 from the last post :)
This post is more to pictures :D
As a mentioned last post we were busy setting up our booth for the carnival :D
Everyone have their own stuff to do
I finished my job as the delivery lady and we started snapping pictures :)

Picture time :D
That's our pretty board!!! :D thanks to pei wen and meng jack :D
I'm 180cm muahahha :P
Tung is simply happy :/
My one and only picture with Ian :D
That's ALLY :D
I'm never a party animal :P
Meng Jack is drawing :D
I don't know why I'm kissing the devil :/
Jack and Tung :D
Tung :D
For closure, Sying babe :D

It was a really happy day :D



Sorry for the super late update
It was EXAM WEEK :(
And it's over muahahaha :P
To be honest I haven't been studying a lot for this exam
I'll keep my fingers crossed.
Straight A's please come back to me :D
Okay back to the topic

We had our school carnival last week
And our booth is selling cupcakes, fried stuff and lemonade :D
The cupcakes arrived a day before the carnival
It's 300 cupcakes :D
The teachers and students placed their order and all we need to do
It was my first time delivering stuff to people

My first mission is to deliver 3 cupcakes with love on it <3
To a guy from his secret admirer LOL :P
He kept asking who gave him the cupcakes but


Do not worry miss secret admirer
Your secret is safe with me hahahahha :P
Sorry my dream was to be a ninja or FBI back then lol

The next day would be the carnival and every class is busy setting up their booths
Girls busy decorating it, Guys shifting the tables and chairs
Everyone was in a good mood :)
Here's some picture of the cupcakes
Isn't it super cute?
Delivery Lady :D
You can write stuff that you want :D
Smiley face :D
Delivering the LOVE :D
Ally and ME :D

If you've been reading my previous post
You would realize that the cupcakes look similar
We ordered it from the same lady
That lady do have magic hands :D
The cupcakes are so PRETTY

Okay I'm gonna stop here and continue on my next post :D
That would be the crazy stuff we did :D



$$$ MONEY $$$

This week is one special week for four of us :)
Belinda, Yuan Tung, Sying and ME :D

Cause we're running business HAHAHAHAHA :P

Maybe I should start from the top
Well, our school had this special week
It's basically a student-get-to-sell-stuff-and-earn-money week :D
You can sell anything you want in the canteen and take all the profit :P
Tempting as it sounds,
We decided to open up a booth too :D

It was a last minute thing so we couldn't come up with complicated stuff
After thinking for a while
*light bulb lights up*

We decided to sell Root Beer Float :D

It seems really easy to prepare and it's our favourite drink!!!
We sold 18 bottles of root beer and 5 tubs of ice cream the first day
For the second day
We sold 24 bottles of root beer and 10 tubes of ice-cream :D
We needed a trolley for all of these :/

Owh our class are selling cupcakes too :D
The cupcakes were super duper CUTE
And it taste really good too!!!
50 cupcakes are gone within 10minutes :D

I get to snap a picture of it :D

There were 8 different designs and all of them are really really cute :D
I wish one day I could bake pretty cupcakes like that
*let's not talk about the cupcakes I make*

MUAHAHAH *evil grin*
Another one :P
We became super close <3
Me and Belinda :D
Take 1
Take 2
YAY!!! :D
10000!!! Rupee :D

Before I end this, you must be wondering
Where're Yuan Tung?
Well there is she.
Yep she was sleeping the entire time :/
Even a fire couldn't wake her :/

I would like to thank everyone who bought the Float from us :D
And also our friends to help promote our booth :)




Well if you were reading my last post, 
You should be knowing that
I'm suppose to be explaining what's with the blood stain on my face
But sorry peeps because this BERSIH rally thing caught my attention
And after reading what it really is, I decided to blog about this :)
I promise the blood stain will be the next post 

Before this I don't really understand this Bersih thingy
All I know is that the people are fighting against the government for stuff :/
According to the advertisement
(remember the 3 malay guys in mamak talking about Bersih?)
It makes me feel like Bersih is a horrible association
We're not suppose to support them
The guys on TV made them sound like they're going to cause a war :P

According to my school discipline teachers,
They purposely spend hours visiting every classroom
To make sure that we don't support this Bersih rally.
They sounded like Bersih is an illegal meeting of drug dealers :/
(well it is an illegal meeting isn't it?)

I was really curious about this whole rally thing so I decided to google it :D
And guess what? Bersih had a page on wikipedia!!!
Which means it's a big thing!!!
(sorry back to the topic)

Let's go through what they demand
(I guess this is okay so no every vote can be fair and square)
Reforms to postal voting
(This should be done so everybody in everywhere can vote!)
(un-removable ink should be used so NO CHEATING!)
Access to the mainstream media for opposition parties
(well I think this is a lil bit too much cause every parties had their secret weapon)
A minimum campaign period of 21 days
(I think this should be voted by the people who worked for the parties not the people)
Independence of institutions
(Hmm.. Study? is this a good thing?)
An end to electoral graft
(stop illegal interference in election!!!)

Well as you can see most of the demands are actually fair.
It's not like they're asking for special service.
that's what they want!

I hope all of you could understand the real Bersih rally thing :)
To support or stop, it's your choice :)
Well if you ask me what do I think?

Thats my answer :)



Nails issue

Sorry for not blogging consistently 
I'm currently going through a stay-out-of-computer therapy
Guess we all know how that ended.
We are all addicted by the internet now aren't we? 
Hmm..  :S

Okay the topic of the day is,
Nail issue.
We're not allowed to keep our nails long according to the school rules.
I think it's applied to most of the school right?
Waking up on Monday is already a torture.
Who would remember cutting their nails anyway?
Wait, most of my friend does :/
The worst moment on Sunday is knowing that tomorrow's Monday :P

I don't sleep much compare to the others.
But when I'm asleep.
You could define me as, A dead girl.
Nothing can wake me up. 
My alarm clock must've feel like a failure for the past 17 years LOL :P
I remember when I was at Penang and there's a level 3 earthquake.
It's because of the Tsunami in Indonesia if I'm not mistaken.
I just happened to be there on vacation. 
Such coincidence pfft
And when everybody in the hotel is running for their life
I, princess of sleeping island, is sleeping soundly on the bed.
I'm still asleep when the table fell off which causes a loud impact.
My parents had to scream bloody murder to wake me up.

The solution to my problem is,
My mom had to be my human alarm clock
She have to drag my ass off the bed every single morning

And watch me walk into the bathroom or
My legs will walk themselves back to bed :)

Okie dokie back to the topic,
Monday is the day when the prefects are going to check our nails.
Being unconscious of the school rules, I totally forgot.
Until I heard some weird noises coming from the back during assembly
I saw Wai Kei cutting her nails, WITH A PAIR OF SCISSORS.
 That moment I went like SHOOT I FORGOT TO CUT MY NAILS!!!
I cursed the school for setting such a rule
Come on fingernails aren't weapons right? :P
Nail clippers are banned from our school compound
I know what you're thinking. WTF

My nails are almost this length :P

I followed her footsteps and borrowed a pair of scissors from my friend.
And there goes my surgery.
I carefully cut my fingernails one by one and in 5mins time, I'm done.
Wai Kei's fingernails looked like she used a nail clipper
But mines look like it got chewed by a dog :/
I guess I need more practice on that
And I definitely need a manicure in a week time.

P/S: Cutting your nails with a pair of scissors is extremely dangerous
Do not try this okay? You might cut yourself.
And one more thing, 
Cutting your nails with scissors will harm your nails :)
So it's better not to try it :)