

Helloooo peeps!
So there has been a small change in my university life :)
Instead of being a student and a housemate,
I also have responsible for a kitty now :D
Well it's not really my cat
He's a stray cat that sneaked into our hostel while Michelle and I were cooking
He was so skinny and dirty and he can't even meow :O
So Michelle and I fed him and clean him
After doing that, kitty became attached to us :O
Since we don't have much to do here, we decided to take care of him :D
Ohh and his name was kitty before we found out it's a HE
So we changed it to SIMBA!
Pretty cool huh? :D

We both thought about keeping Simba
But we’re afraid that he would get too attached to us
We’re having our sem break in 20 days, and who’s gonna take care of Simba then?
So we decided to not get too close with Simba L
We only give him food and play with him for a while
But he’s so cute now! It’s a really hard thing to do L
And Simba’s eating a lot! I’m afraid Michelle and I are gonna go broke feeding him lol!
Is it normal for a kitten to eat 2 sausages and 2 fishballs?
Hmm.. I don’t know :O

Ohh and he can meow right now hahahah!
He’s really playful and active :D
Here’s a picture of Simba! :)