
University Week 1

Hey peeps!
So I've been M-I-A here for a while.
Do you guys miss me? :P
If you've read my previous post you'll know that I'm officially a university student now!
Hooray to University!
Also I'm now living in a hostel, cause the University I go to is in a different state :(
200km , 124 miles away
It's not that far I guess :)

Anyway the first week of university is over
Starting from tomorrow, it's the 2nd week
I just wanna share how it went with you guys :)
Well, for starters,
It's only been a week and I already have 4 assignments on hold
Good thing is that there's absolutely no entertainment around here
The internet speed is so poor you can't open 4 webpage at the same time
Not to mention downloading movies or going on YouTube
So I've got all the time in the world :D
I don't really know if I should be happy or sad over this fact

University is a place where you have to learn about teamwork
Cause most of the assignments requires 4-5 group members
Sometimes I just wish I could duplicate myself and Michelle :O
But since the technology today cannot make that happen, and I don't really know anybody here
The random team forming mode is on
And you just don't know when you're suddenly group members with some serious douchebags
This is the time where you gotta calm down and tell yourself this

But thankfully I still have Michelle here with me
So at least when this shit happens
We will stick together and get things done :)

Secondly, my transportation is no longer my car :(
There's 16000 people in the university and roughly 15000 of them ride a bike
So... My journey of bike riding begins!
I'm really grateful that my dad taught me how to ride when I was a kid
Cause I would die walking to the university
The distance of my hostel to the university gate is 1km
From the gate to the lecture theatre is about 2km
The distance the the library is almost 2.5km
Ohh and did I mention it's 50% uphill?
Even though I'm riding a bike,
I can't help but feel this once again 

And lastly, THE WEATHER
The weather here is so hot I got sunburnt badly the first day 
So from snow white, I'm now pocahontas
That is not a joke, I wish it was.
There's also a few days that I have a 3 hour break in between classes
 3 hours is a lot, so I would go home and cook lunch
Every time after coming back from class, the first thing I do is to bathe
Well that's because I will be bathing in my sweat
That is why I shower more than 3 times per day in average

The hostel was kind enough to provided us water heater
But I've never used it once
So I really wouldn't know if it's broken or anything
This place is still stuffy at night, so I've never used my blanket too!
Also with this weather, my hair became so dry and it turns frizzy
I love my hair... a lot
Hence, cue the feelings again

Even though all that is hard to deal with,
The lecturers here are pretty good and helpful
So I guess that's the price I gotta pay other than my tuition fees
And now I'm cooking my meals!
So I guess it's a good thing!
At least I'm gonna be healthy :)

That's all for this post!
I miss you my family, my friends and you guys so much :)
