
Monsters University

Hellooooo peeps!
So I went for movies today yay!
I don't know why but it feels like forever since I've been to the theatre 
It's kinda how I look when I sit inside the cinema

Alright anyway I've watched Monsters University!!!
Because I've never watched the previous one so I can't really compare to you which is better
But I can assure you that this, is a good movie :)
If you have no idea what is it about

The summary of the story is how the green-eye monster (Mike) have always dream of going to Monsters University and becoming a scarer.
When he finally got in after a lotta hard work, he joined the scared  program but he does not look scary so even though he got high grades his practical wasn't good enough
This is his scariest face lol!
He got kicked out of the programme and he joined a scared challenge to prove himself 
The headmistress promise to let him back on the programme if he won the challenge
He was stuck with a team which was all kicked out of the scared programme 
That's them!
They are all amazing monsters so they all strived really hard through the challenges
And I should stop the spoiler here!
Conclusion is, this movie is gonna bring you a lotta laughter
Totally worth going to the cinema for it!

Now I had to go online and watch the sequels!
