

Well if you were reading my last post, 
You should be knowing that
I'm suppose to be explaining what's with the blood stain on my face
But sorry peeps because this BERSIH rally thing caught my attention
And after reading what it really is, I decided to blog about this :)
I promise the blood stain will be the next post 

Before this I don't really understand this Bersih thingy
All I know is that the people are fighting against the government for stuff :/
According to the advertisement
(remember the 3 malay guys in mamak talking about Bersih?)
It makes me feel like Bersih is a horrible association
We're not suppose to support them
The guys on TV made them sound like they're going to cause a war :P

According to my school discipline teachers,
They purposely spend hours visiting every classroom
To make sure that we don't support this Bersih rally.
They sounded like Bersih is an illegal meeting of drug dealers :/
(well it is an illegal meeting isn't it?)

I was really curious about this whole rally thing so I decided to google it :D
And guess what? Bersih had a page on wikipedia!!!
Which means it's a big thing!!!
(sorry back to the topic)

Let's go through what they demand
(I guess this is okay so no every vote can be fair and square)
Reforms to postal voting
(This should be done so everybody in everywhere can vote!)
(un-removable ink should be used so NO CHEATING!)
Access to the mainstream media for opposition parties
(well I think this is a lil bit too much cause every parties had their secret weapon)
A minimum campaign period of 21 days
(I think this should be voted by the people who worked for the parties not the people)
Independence of institutions
(Hmm.. Study? is this a good thing?)
An end to electoral graft
(stop illegal interference in election!!!)

Well as you can see most of the demands are actually fair.
It's not like they're asking for special service.
that's what they want!

I hope all of you could understand the real Bersih rally thing :)
To support or stop, it's your choice :)
Well if you ask me what do I think?

Thats my answer :)
