
Flashback 2015

What's up!
So I've been struggling with a title to wrap up my entire 2015
I don't want to write Goodbye 2015
I don't even know if I wanna write this post
But I promised to do it in my last blog post
Here I am! Trying to conclude 2015 :D

1. I survived my second year of university studies
(Thank you Chui Yern, Hen Yee and Sandy for going through it together with me)
2. I got a B for the mini project that I was doomed to fail
(He's a horrible teacher so thank you lady luck)
3. I turned 21!
4. I went to HK and Macau with my honey - Michelle Ong <3
(I loved it! Not so much when she vomited beside me on the ferry tho)
5. I drank alcohol and gambled in the casino
(At least I lived a little)
6. I went to a mini concert with my friends and loved it!
(Pets came! And she sang my favorite song!)
7. I had a great birthday celebration this year 
(Even though there's an exam that day)
8. I kept in touch with some of my old friends and it was amazing
(I miss you guys)
9. I sang in front of 50 people despite sounding like a dead chicken
(Thank god it wasn't recorded)
10. I rescued a cat and when she's all better she got away from me
(See why I prefer dogs over cats now?)
11. I half handmade a gift for someone
(P/S: Always use superglue)
12. I dyed my hair red and it was beautiful 
(even though it only lasted for less than a month)
13. I went to Langkawi and it was an amazing trip
(Motorboat, seafood, chocolates, swimming, Sheraton)
14. I got 2 awesome gifts that I never imagine getting for Christmas
(Let's just say I'm now qualified to be a private investigator)
15. I didn't get to give my friends a proper farewell before they study abroad
(Sorry again Soo Jean and Crystal)
16. I also didn't attend a lot of my friend's 21st birthday 
(Sorry guys)
17. I miss my home and I'm so grateful that I can stay at home during my internship
(I love you mi familia)
18. Ohh I also went for an internship. Read more
19. I also got to know a lot more awesome people this year
20. Last but not least
I went out on a date with someone and now he's my boyfriend! :)
He's sweet and caring and simply amazing
Thanks for everything Kah Heng <3
I love you
And your butt AHAHAHHAHA


Year 3 with an Internship

Heyyy guys :)
So I realized that my last post was actually back in July and...
I felt a little bad for abandoning my blog like this so...
I'm back yay!

There's so much stuff that I wanna share with you guys but I'm gonna post that up on another post because this post is dedicated for the start of my 3rd year of a university student 
*throws pixie dust*
Aww yeah!!!

So according to my course structure I'm suppose to go for my internship for the first semester :)
Our school held a Industrial Training Day and the IT companies that are interested in hiring an intern would open up a booth here so the students can get to know more about them
Interviews and technical tests are also conducted on the spot so that we won't have to travel to their company for it :)
I have to admit our school is pretty thoughtful sometimes
But to be fair our university is located in the middle of nowhere so...
They did got us out of the school lol!

We all started our internship on the 5th of October and that's a week right after our finals
Here's how the situation looked like
Out of examination halls into the work field

My internship period is 3 months and after that I have to jump right back into school life
No semester break for me :(

Throughout the internship I've had a slight idea of how working life would be
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it.
It's challenging
Even though there's no more quiz/midterms and finals
There's this scary thing called DEADLINES
The whole team would be waiting for you to finish your part to so that they can continue their part
And that my friend, is the real stress
Not to mention you could stare at the screen for 5 hours and still not make it work
The struggle is so real

I was given a week to familiarize myself with the different programming language and then I jumped right into bug fixing and program enhancements
But the people in the office are great
They've been helping me a lot and for that I am so thankful

After 2 months I got into development and even though it's quite stressful I like it 
When the program just compiles and run
And all the test results are just as expected
I get this awesome feeling in my heart like
It's nice to know that I will like my future job :)

The internship that I took was offsite so technically I'm going to different places from time to time
Thank goodness these places are reachable by LRT and a lot of walking
You might wonder why didn't I drive to work
Well as a girl who's born and raised in KL, I always knew the parking rates can be high but when I saw the RM15 per entry sign on the building I was like
Not to mention these sites are all located at the city center
So the traffic jam is no joke either
After all these stats I've decided to take the LRT
For the first few weeks it was pretty bad because not only that the early trains are all jam packed with people, the queue for it was also bloody long
There was once when I waited for 40 minutes just to get on the LRT
After that there were some police assistance at the train station and it got a little better
Just when everything seemed to be okay
I'm only getting 1000 bucks per month man T.T

One more thing that I've realized after working is that
I've changed
I wake up at 730 in the morning, I go to lunch at 12, I go home at 530
And then for some reason I'd be really tired when I'm home
I don't catch up with the latest music anymore
I don't catch up with the latest show episodes anymore
I don't spend hours surfing the internet anymore
I'm just... not me anymore

I guess this is how the working life is. Ohh well.
That's why I'm really grateful that I decided to go for my internship so soon
Now that I'll still have 2 semesters more to go
I know I've been complaining about how life as a student is hectic
But even though it is that hectic, I still found the time to be me
I know that I'll have to let go this part of me sooner or later
So I'm gonna cherish the hell out of the next 10 months of my university life

There's officially a week more under my internship ends!
I'm really happy that I got this experience but I can't wait to go back into being a student who complains about assignments and midterms
